Sexual Politics in Modern Ireland

Sexual Politics in Modern Ireland
Sexual Politics in Modern Ireland by Sonja Tiernan, Sandra McAvoy, Mary McAuliffe, Jennifer Redmond

This innovative and compelling collection offers a new understanding of sexual and gender politics throughout nineteenth and twentieth-century Ireland, providing a fresh and challenging approach to perspectives of Irish history. The notable contributors provide a captivating and controversial debate on sexuality in Irish Society, and specifically include explorations of lesbian histories, the treatment of intersex persons in Ireland, the patriarchal system, prostitution, sex education, and the ongoing issue of abortion. Ireland s relationship between the Church and State is investigated and questioned, along with the double standards attitude towards women and their position within the law. Arguments made by the experts in gender and women s history throughout this book offer a re-examination of our understanding of the State and how it treated, and continues to treat, its people on the basis of gender.

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