On the Road Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Walter Salles (Central Station, The Motorcycle Diaries) and based on the iconic novel by Jack Kerouac, ON THE ROAD tells the timeless story of Sal Paradise (Sam Riley, Control), a young writer whose life is shaken and ultimately redefined by the arrival of Dean Moriarty (Garrett Hedlund, TRON: Legacy), a free-spirited, fearless, fast-talking Westerner and his girl, Marylou (Kristen Stewart, The Twilight Saga). Traveling cross-country, Sal and Dean venture out on a personal quest for freedom from the conformity and conservatism engulfing them in search of the unknown, themselves, and the pursuit of it - the pure essence of experience. Seeking uncharted terrain and the last American frontier, the duo encounters an eclectic mix of men and women who each indelibly impact their journey toward self-discovery. Featuring an all-star cast that includes Viggo Mortensen (The Lord of the Rings), Kirsten Dunst (Spider-Man), Tom Sturridge (Pirate Radio), Academy Award® Nominee Amy Adams (The Master), Alice Braga (Predators), and Elisabeth Moss (Mad Men), ON THE ROAD is a landmark odyssey from America s legendary Beat writer brought to vivid life by one of the most talented filmmakers of modern times.
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