Democracy And Education

Democracy And Education
Democracy And Education by John Dewey

John Dewey's best-known and still-popular classic, Democracy and Education, is presented here as a new edition in Volume 9 of the Middle Works. Sidney Hook, who wrote the introduction to this volume, describes Democracy and Education: It illuminates directly or indirectly all the basic issues that are central today to the concerns of intelligent educators. . . . It throws light on several obscure corners in Dewey's general philosophy in a vigorous, simple prose style often absent in his more technical writings. And it is the only work in any field originally published as a textbook that has not merely acquired the status of a classic, but has become the one book that no student concerned with the philosophy of education today should leave unread. Dewey said in 1930 that De-mocracy and Education, was for many years the one book in which my philos-ophy . . . was most fully expounded.

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The above description is from the Wikipedia article on Democracy And Education, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. A full list of contributors can be found here.