Commoners: Common Right, Enclosure and Social Change in England

Commoners: Common Right, Enclosure and Social Change in England
Commoners: Common Right, Enclosure and Social Change in England by Jeanette M. Neeson

Did enclosure of the commons raise or lower living standards for the poor in England? This ground-breaking history enters that old debate, painting a rich picture of rural culture before enclosure and what was lost afterwards. Said to be the best book on the subject by EP Thompson.

This is a paperback edition of one of the most important and original contributions to English rural history published in the past generation. Winner of the Whitfield Prize of the Royal Historical Society in 1994, Commoners challenges the view that England had no peasantry or that it had disappeared before industrialization: rather it shows that common right and petty landholding shaped social relations in English villages, and that their loss at enclosure sharpened social antagonisms and imprinted on popular culture a pervasive sense of loss.

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